Halloween and Bruno Mars

Created by cath-hughes 11 years ago
I seem to have so many different memories with you John, i guess its not surprising considering how much time i spend at yours with Hathat. I guess the furthest back i can remember is when we had a surprise halloween party for Anna and Mark and you were just sitting drinking some crappy beer or something and we stood on the drive way and did some ballroom dancing and then tried to go for a walk, and Hathat got really angry at us because we just kept laughing when she told us not to wander off. Then coming back into the house at like 2am maybe? and eating all the desserts that were left on the table with Anna. AND as i recall i'm pretty sure you spilt a whole beer on me that night, and i'm pretty sure i was like neon fairy or something. Man, we thought we were cool. Got to admit it was a pretty funny night. AND Hathat broke that bowl with all the lollys in and mark told her off, we just laughed at her - such good friends. BRUNO MARS aka - you. I think you actually might have wanted to punch me when, Hathat, Fran and me decided that you were most definitely a Bruno Mars look alike and then when we came down for dinner i sung 'just the way you are' to you ((you really weren't impressed)). Looking back, i actually was probably really annoying to you, but you loved it ((maybe?)) To me, these two stories kind of sum up our relationship we had, and how we always had a little giggle whenever i saw you. You grew up with me around quite a bit, and now your gone i just can't get used to it. Hattie's house won't ever really be the same without you, oh and btw when i saw you the other day, you looked and acted well like Mark, just saying. I really do believe that you will happier now, and thats what matters. You will be missed, even though i doubt you thought you would. I'll miss you making jokes about the weather with Mark to me, and i have no one to sing Bruno Mars to now :( Don't worry i'll look after Anna, Mark, Hattie, Lulu, Connie and Grandma for you:) Be happy, you deserve it John.