Created by hann88fox1 11 years ago
I will never forget the days in year 8 when John, Beth, Claire and I used to run around Wymondham College mimicking the classic Herbal Essence videos. These classic videos consisted of beautiful women washing their hair to the back of the camera and then turning around to give a cheeky pose, Us on the other hand produced a very different pose at the end- instead we placed our hair in a middle parting, tucked it behind our ears, stuck our top lip to the top of our teeth and put on an attractive lisp. As you can imagine John looked divine and the role he continued to replay never grew old. Memories like these will stay for me forever, ones where John filled the whole room with happiness. Unfortunately i am not able to attach the video i have just attempted to give justice too onto this website, but i have added it onto my facebook and is well worth a watch! He will forever be in our hearts, and will be massively missed. I love you john Hannah Fox